سورة التوبة

Surah Name: At-Taubah Meaning: The Repentance

Key Points

  • Revealed at Madinah
  • It is also called Surah Bar'at (freedom from obligation) as it carries the injunctions that absolved the believers of the obligation to honour the Treaty they had with idolaters. Moreover it is called Taubah because it gives the glad tidings of the acceptance to penitence. In a way it is unique, as it does not begin with Bismillah ar Rahman ar Rahim (in the Name of Allaah-SWT, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful).Usually whenever Aayaat from a Surah were revealed at random, their correct place of insertion was also conveyed to the Holy Prophet-SW. He-SW would instruct the Scribes to record these accordingly. And whenever a new Surah was revealed he-SW would instruct them to begin it with Bismillah ar Rahman ar Rahim. Surah Taubah is amongst the last Madni Surahs revealed. It was revealed without the instructions to begin it with Bismillah. The Holy Prophet-SW also did not instruct the Scribes to write Bismillah, hence it is without the usual auspicious words.
  • When the task of compiling the Quran was taken up in the era of Hadhrat Uthman-RAU, the question regarding the placement of this Surah arose, for it was quite possible that it may not have been an individual Surah but a part of the preceding one. Therefore, Hadhrat Uthman-RAU instructed the compilers to place it after Al-Anfal. This was the safest thing to do for the Holy Prophet-SW had not commanded to open it with Bismillah nor had he-SW implied that it was a part of Surah Al-Anfal, but had got it recorded contiguous to Anfal. The rules for reciting the Quran indicate that anyone who while reciting Surah Anfal moves on to Surah Taubah need not recite Bismillah. However, if the recitation is initiated from this Surah or from any part of it, Bismillah must be recited. The other opening expressions for Surah Taubah as stated in certain manuscripts of the Quran, such as. Aa'uz Billah min nar wa min Ghadhab al Jabbar etc. (I seek Allaah-SWT’s Protection against fire and the fury of the tyrants etc.) have no authentic backing Hadhrat Ali-RAU reports that since the Surah revealed the Divine Command for the cancellation of the Treaty with the infidels, it did not open with Bismillah. This may have been a subtle reason, which has not been discretely told.
  • Total Number of Ruku / Sections 16
  • Total Number of Ayat / Parts 129
  • Surah / Chapter number 9
  • Ruku / Section 1 contains Ayat / Parts 6
  • Siparah/ Volume 10 & 11

    Surah At-Taubah Ruku 1

Asrar-At-Tanzil Urdu Tafseer

U Asrar at Tanzil Surah 9 1

Urdu Tafseer - Akram-at-Tafasir

Surah-9, Ruku-1, Ayat-1:3

Surah-9, Ruku-1, Ayat-3:6

Punjabi Tafseer - Rubb Deeyan Gullaan

Surah-9, Ruku-1, Ayat-1:6

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